Monday, September 7, 2009

Army list pretty much nailed down and an email to GW

So my buddy and I have our army list pretty much nailed down with regards to the tournament at Adventures Underground. We went from losing with large difference between kill points (I think one game it was like 7-2, a complete route) to losing by one or two points (one game was 4-5 and I think the other was 3-4). In reality, losing by one or two points can be attributed to bad rolls. As an example, I fired with everything from my Valkyrie at a pathfinder squad (I will admit they were in cover). I fired 2 pie plates (large blast), 6 shots from the sponson heavy bolters, and 3 from the multi laser. One would think that I would have at least killed one. I did learn that circling with my Valkyrie is the best way to keep it alive, so I think that is what I am going to do in the tournament. Some make call it cheese, but I think the idea of circling with the Valkyrie to stay alive is as valid as camping in the back with snipers. Just because a player cannot get into range w/o taking a load of shots does not make it a less valid tactic than camping in the back, its just playing to the weakness of another player.

On a side note, I just sent an email out to GW concerning IG Command Squads being worth 2 kill points in a FAQ located here and to see if I could take my Tech-Priest as my only HQ due to a ruling concerning the black templar FAQ here. The website states that the email should come back within 3 business days and I will post the answers here. This does not mean that they will be accepted by the tournament organizer, but I am sure my friends would trust me enough to allow its use in our friendly games.


  1. Very nice! I sold "Guy" most of my Marines so he has around 1500 points to play with. Yeah those two games were close and I think you guys will be tough to beat.

    As for Cheese I don't think it is at all. You invested time and played and tweaked your list accordingly. How is that any different than the other guys' lists? Besides, this is WAR and war isn't fair.

    One of my favorite quotes: "War does not determine who is right, war determines who is left"

  2. Hehe, gotta love 97 Rock... While I am concerned about my cheese list, I am less concerned with it now that I have realized that I did not look any part of it up what-so-ever. The only assistance I got with it was findin out that the rocket pod fires 2 templates. Other than that, it is a 100% original S2ua7 list :) How exciting :)
