Saturday, September 26, 2009

AU Tournament

Ok, so we did better than I thought we would do. We won for about 5-10 minutes, but only because of an excel issue where somehow our points were not being tallied correctly. The first game would have been a tie, except I was a moron and did not have my guys on our own objective and so the other team won. Lesson learned! The second game, we massacred (not my word) our opponents thanks to my partners quick thinking (and some awesome dice rolls on his part) and ability to outflank. The third game was going fairly well until our dice rolls ran out. Hopefully we can start playing some one on one games. I would not mind playing against Guy one on one for something like 1k points using sistas and my IG or even IG buy proxying some thing such as some hellhounds (or variants) or even proxying my russes to other variants such as the punisher cannon. I would have loved to use that at the AU tournament and see people poop their britches... lol I may end up creating an army with one of those variants but remove the Valk and have a walker as I just got that assembled and base painted but not detail painted.


  1. Ah nice man. What armies did you play against? Mostly SM and Ork? I can't wait to see the Walka :)

  2. No, I dont think we played against a single Ork army... lol... It was nice. I felt bad, but I told Kr1ch that I was glad I didnt have to play against Orks... lol... We played against IG (Death Corps of Krieg) and Eldar, Space Marines and Tau, and then 'nids and Tau. It was pretty sweet. Like I said, we won for about 5 minutes, but I was too dumb to keep my mouth shut (actually I did not want to take an award I did not earn).... lol.. I'm actually looking forward to playing a little one on one come saturdays now, not that I dont like playing teams, its just not as much fun when you've done it for 5 or 6 weeks... lol
