Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dontcha hate it when you play something wrong

So I was goofing off with the new armybuilder update for 40k to see if it was now worth buying as the last version did not have correct information for IG. When I was building my tournament army on it, I noticed that the Valkyrie gets TWO rocket pods. Quickly I verified this with the Codex for Imperial Guard and I realized that I have only been playing with one rocket pod thinking that they were both firing at the same time to give the big blast template but it actually states in the codex that the valkyrie exchanges the two missles for two multiple rocket pods which means not only does it get to fire 2 big blast templates along with 6 shots from the sponson bolters and the 3 from the multi laser, but also that it now has 5 weapons to destroy for weapon destroyed instead of 4. This could be fun.....


  1. Nice.

    I was wondering about AB 3.0 being up to date. I got the newer edition files from

    That thing is going to be more of a pain now then ever, lol.

  2. Yeah, I actually feel kinda bad because of it... There were complaints about it being OP, but oh well.... lol

  3. Lol, too funny kr1ch... I'll remember that when I'm taking 70+ wounds from a burna battle wagon with a 4+ save negating 50% of wounds when they actually manage to glance let alone penetrate with AV14... lol
