Saturday, October 10, 2009

Finished(?) pictures of the Psycher

Well, maybe its not finished, but at least it is more detailed..... Here they are. Also, notice the head is not as blotchy as it looks in the first post..... lol... That really bugged me. Thats the main reason why the new pictures are up... lol...


  1. Very nice! the first pic looked good, but I agree, these second ones look even better.

  2. Ah ah very nice. I like the Dwarf Bronze against the green cloth. The bushy brows and gotee look awesome too :)

  3. Dwarf Bronze?? Thats Glimmering Gold you n00b.... sheesh, and I thought you were the painting guy... Last time I let you paint my guys... I Creed will be in snot green... lmao.. j/kin.. Anyways, thanks guys :) I'm really glad you guys like it... I can't wait to play him.
