Thursday, May 6, 2010

So week 3 has come and gone.....

So week 3 has come and gone. The objective game was a blast and the Cadian army comes home victorious after completely wiping out the Heretical Blood Angels! The sledgehammer of the emperor had defeated the dull traitorous blade.

Anyways, it was pretty fun. I got to see how dangerous the Furioso Dreadnaught is. That magno-grapple is pretty cool. The ability to do a strength 8 + D6 hit and then pull it closer is pretty awesome especially on rear armor.

I also got to use some tactics I had never used before such as the flat out scout move that the Valkyries are capable of which let me take out a squad of devastators (by running them off the board). By the end of my turn I was able to completely wipe my opponents figures off the board by turn 1 (not including the units in reserve).

On his turn, my oppenent was able to drop pod his Furioso down who was able to take out my Vendetta, but that was not really a loss as it left only infantry to come in later. On my next turn, the drop pod and the Furioso were taken out clearing the table of the enemy yet again (but not for long).

The next turn, the Librarian with his honor guard along with two 5 man teams of scouts came in. This is where the stuff hit the fan and several squads of infantry along with a heavy weapons squad got taken out, but this took place over several turns.

In the end, the Blood Angels were soundly defeated and all the objectives secured from the traitors to the emperor.

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